I have decided to apply for the McCormick Foundation New Media Women Entrepreneurs Grant for Entrepreneurs. The Application is AWESOME because it encourages you to focus and have clarity in your life about what it is that you want to accomplish and how you are going to move your business forward. For me, the questions are spot on and the character limits, mean I have to think very carefully about what I want to write and be succinct. If you are looking for funds for a particular project, even if you do not think you are a good match for Fredrickson Grant, then fill out the application fields. This will help you gain clarity about what you want to accomplish, how you want to accomplish it, and why you are the best person for the job. The application is due on January 27, 2011. I am planning on posting my responses to the 10 questions, one a day for the next ten days. I will welcome any feedback or ideas you’d like to offer. If you want to join me on this journey, please feel share your journey. I am very excited about this. Soon, I will be looking for Latina artists, graphic designers, web-developers, and ebook developers to help me get LAUNCHED...may the journey begin.
Con un pan y cafecito, seguimos adelante,
5) Here is my budget for the $12,000 in funding (Be specific): (2500 characters)
The $12,000 will allow me to grow my business and get it launched. There are a few things I need to do to get the next level and I have reached the end of my own ability to do it on my own and am now ready to ask for help. I need to hire some people to help me with the technology parts that are beyond the time and skills that I currently have. I have the know how and energy to create the content, give the classes, and monitor the online environment, but I need help with creating it. Specifically, I need the following:
· $5,000 for a graphic artist and web designer—I am planning on using MGS Designz. She is a Latina entrepreneur, co-author in Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul, and is doing very well. As part of my business, I want to make sure I am helping my fellow Latinas.
· $2,000 for ebook development of my 6 Guided Journals. I plan on using Create Space for this service. The books are ready to be uploaded into the ebook environment so others can download as a PDF.
· $4000 for a webcourse developer-I am still looking for a webcourse developer—I am hoping to find a Latina with the skills to put courses online. I have begun sending out inquiries and getting quotes from various individuals. The price for one course will be close to $4000, so this money will allow for one course to be developed. I have content and curriculum developed for 3 webcourses. From the funds I generate from that one course, I will then have the other 2 courses developed.
· $4000 for travel to conferences, workshops, seminars, and presentations. Although, I will operate in a electronic environment, I have found that face-to-face connections are crucial to both personal and professional success.
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