The Care and Feeding of the Muse
How do you care and feed your muse? Better yet, when your muse needs pampering, what do you do? How do you unsilence your muse? What do those silences tell you?
For the most part, to get to a sense of serenity and creativity our muse needs to be well fed and well supported. We need to be able to turn inward and connect with our emotions so our creative lives can be expressive, authentic, and genuine. Our art is profoundly affected by the mood of our muse and what the muse needs to be in that place of serenity where creativity can flourish. So how do we get there?
Well first of all, a silent muse is the sign that something is not right in our world. That there is too much stress, too much negative energy, too much wearing us down, too much mind chatter and not enough lifting us up. At times we may just need some extra sleep, a relaxing evening with a caring loved one, a night out with our friends, or some time alone. Sometimes our muse is calling out for physical activity and we need to go on a series of walks, take a hike, go on a bike ride, go swimming, or join a Zumba class.
But, there are other times when wine and chocolate won’t do the trick and these are the most trying times. These are the times when we need to do something more drastic and creative to get the muse going. This is we feel we are dry and empty and need to fill up. This is when we have to break free of our editor and monitor and just get back to our craft—be it writing, singing, composing, conducting, sculpting, painting, or imagining. This is when we need to get a reality check and imagine the possibilities and create without a monitor, create for the sake of creating and honoring that within us that needs a place for self-expression. This is when we need to reach for our morning pages and write what is eating us, what is blocking us, what is keeping our muse silent and trapped. Or this is when we need a trip to the Bahamas!!!
May your muse be cared for, today and everyday!!!
Con un pan y cafecito, seguimos adelante
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