Sunday, January 22, 2012

Journaling for New Latina Renewal Challenge

Journal your way to success...the New Latina Renewal Challenge

I was sooo excited when I got the first packet from the New Latina Challenge. I was celebrating my birthday in the Bahamas when the first one was emailed to us and I quickly opened it and got excited. It reinforced so much of what I had just been doing. I loved it. I loved the idea of shedding and out with the old and in with the new. I had just hosted our annual White Elephant gift exchange and put together two sister boxes and was working on a third, so I knew I was making room for the new and shedding the old and the feeling was good.
But what really excited me was the opportunity to use my special journal. You see, I collect journals and I have many of them lying around and I look for an opportunity to use my very special journals for special occasions.

Last year, I was blessed to have been specially made, three beautiful journals by the very talented Mia…(

One was for my son and two were for me and I was waiting for a special writing opportunity to use these very beautiful journals and what better occasion than the New Latina Renewal Challenge. I chose the EMPOWER journal and I am very excited about filling it with my thoughts, and quotes, and anything notes. Thank you, New Latina for the opportunity and mil gracias to Mia for the beautiful journal that inspires me to write and fill the pages with feeling of love, challenge, renewal, and taking the next step. And mil gracias to New Latina for the inspiration!!!

If you have not found the time or the wherewithal to start your journaling to a new you, maybe you need to go SHOPPING for that very special place where you can write and feel inspired to put pen to paper!!!!

Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante


  1. I love special journals!!! I can totally relate!!

    Continued good work on the New Latina Renewal Challenge, Zulmara!



  2. Very pretty journals. I start a new one each year. There is something inspiring about getting to fill all of those blank pages anyway I want.

    Good luck with your goals.

  3. Soooo cool. Yes, there is something so inspiring to be called to writing by a beautiful piece of artwork.
