Thursday, January 5, 2012

McCormick Foundation 4

I have decided to apply for the McCormick Foundation New Media Women Entrepreneurs Grant for Entrepreneurs. The Application is AWESOME because it encourages you to focus and have clarity in your life about what it is that you want to accomplish and how you are going to move your business forward. For me, the questions are spot on and the character limits, mean I have to think very carefully about what I want to write and be succinct. If you are looking for funds for a particular project, even if you do not think you are a good match for Fredrickson Grant, then fill out the application fields. This will help you gain clarity about what you want to accomplish, how you want to accomplish it, and why you are the best person for the job. The application is due on January 27, 2011. I am planning on posting my responses to the 10 questions, one a day for the next ten days. I will welcome any feedback or ideas you’d like to offer. If you want to join me on this journey, please feel share your journey. I am very excited about this. Soon, I will be looking for Latina artists, graphic designers, web-developers, and ebook developers to help me get LAUNCHED...may the journey begin.

Con un pan y cafecito, seguimos adelante,
4) Detail how you will generate content. How frequently will you update? (2000 characters)

I have a threefold process that I am following to generate content. First I will generate original content by interviewing and surveying the women that I meet in the workshops and seminars I will be conducting and in my online groups. I have authored numerous articles and I plan on continuing to write articles of interest to Latinas, especially in the area of bilingual education, activism, immigration, college access, preschool, and professional growth.  I generate content by using the articles that I have read or written, books and articles I review, and encounters that I have around certain topics. At times, the articles I develop come from surveys and interviews around a particular topic. An important part of my program for Latina success is that they are well versed in the news and issues of the day.

Second is to generate content from articles and news that is already out there and bring it to a Latina audience in a timely, interactive way. I plan on posting articles about immigration, women’s issues, politics, life style, personal and professional growth and engage my readers in discussions about these very pertinent issues. I firmly believe that part of our success, as Latina, is to be socially responsible and I want to encourage activism among Latinas, especially activism that resonates with them.

Third, I plan on publishing my curriculum for self-help, personal and professional growth. I will hire a graphic artist, web designer, and ebook developer to help me to put the content from my workshops and presentations on the web in a more usable fashion. Currently I have 10 workshops and 6 ebooks that are ready to go, I just need the funding to get them web ready.

I plan on updating daily, and I will post on Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, and Google Circles daily using Haute Suite. I plan on posting original articles at least once a week and connecting to ezines to give my work a wider audience. I will also be putting out an enewsletter with links to my blogs and posts to ensure a wide audience for my work. I have just started a blog on Latina authors that I will expand to Latino authors within the next year, to make yet another connection.

A review of my Facebook Fanpage will show that I am connecting well to the online Latina community in a variety of ways. I will reach those who are not online in various ways, including conferences, workshops, and presentations.

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