Wednesday, March 17, 2010

NaNoWriMo Inspiration

Hola mis amigos,

Earlier I blogged about the Nuts and Bolts of getting started and getting organized for NaNoWriMo and today I am talking about the creative steps I have taken. The steps to feed and nurture my muse and my inner diva, so they come out to play, enjoy, have fun, and stay energized and inspired.
I joined a Facebook group that is going through Julia Cameron's book, "Walking in this World." The book is an old favorite of mine, as well as The Artist's way. I think I have read all of Cameron's books and she has such a way of inspiring one to honor the creative spirit.

I have also spent time on the Sark site. She is a very inspiring, whimsical, and lovely soul who inspires all of us to give into the Wild Side with Wild Abandon…I love her whimsical ways and her way with words, colors, sights, and sounds. I have subscribed to her newsletter and visit the site for inspiration.
I am organizing a group for Art by Latina Artists, Nurturing your Muse, to share with other artists what they do to renew and rejuvenate their inner spirit, their creative soul, and their imaginative minds.
I have also been writing…outlines, character sketches, plots, sub plots, and summaries…I have a lot of ideas in my head and the morning pages are truly making a difference in helping to keep it all sorted out.
Con un cafecito y un pedacito de pan, sigo ADELANTE!!!


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