Friday, March 26, 2010

Sharing your journey!!

Pampering your Muse-Artist Groups

One of my ways of pampering my muse this past couple of weeks has been to join the online group Walking Through This World. In it, Julia Cameron suggests Morning Pages, Artists Dates and Artist's Walks. It is so refreshing to be a part of a group that is discussing how the morning pages and artists' dates can impact one's creative journey and how each of us approaches things so differently.

I am drawn to my fellow artists and find that I get motivated, inspired, and ?? When I am interacting with them. I have found that my creative juices get flowing even more strongly as I interact with these fellow artists and what they are doing.

This group of 20 very different artists came together as a way to share our creative journeys as we moved through the book together. We continue as a group that truly has enjoyed being together and learning from each other. We are posting our writings, our insights, our inspirations, and our photos. We are sharing our creative journey together as we inspire and support each other. This is fun group and it is like; "You've got mail." every time I log on, I have a sweet anticipation of who may have posted what and what treats and treasures await me.

Do you have an artists group you connect with regularly? How does the group sustain you? Inspire your muse? Get your creative juices going?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

NaNoWriMo Inspiration

Hola mis amigos,

Earlier I blogged about the Nuts and Bolts of getting started and getting organized for NaNoWriMo and today I am talking about the creative steps I have taken. The steps to feed and nurture my muse and my inner diva, so they come out to play, enjoy, have fun, and stay energized and inspired.
I joined a Facebook group that is going through Julia Cameron's book, "Walking in this World." The book is an old favorite of mine, as well as The Artist's way. I think I have read all of Cameron's books and she has such a way of inspiring one to honor the creative spirit.

I have also spent time on the Sark site. She is a very inspiring, whimsical, and lovely soul who inspires all of us to give into the Wild Side with Wild Abandon…I love her whimsical ways and her way with words, colors, sights, and sounds. I have subscribed to her newsletter and visit the site for inspiration.
I am organizing a group for Art by Latina Artists, Nurturing your Muse, to share with other artists what they do to renew and rejuvenate their inner spirit, their creative soul, and their imaginative minds.
I have also been writing…outlines, character sketches, plots, sub plots, and summaries…I have a lot of ideas in my head and the morning pages are truly making a difference in helping to keep it all sorted out.
Con un cafecito y un pedacito de pan, sigo ADELANTE!!!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Nuts and Bolts of Getting Organized for NaNoWrMo

In order to be ready for NaNoWriMo, I realized I had to get very organized and get my act together, otherwise, with my job and with my schedule, I would always be wishing I was ready for November, but I would never be ready.

So I have started "Laying the Foundation" with the following baby steps:

Joined the NaNoWriMo web pages so that I could become familiar with how it works and the get used to posting on the forums and spend time creating my page.

I started a Facebook page in order to connect with my writerly friends there and to join the group "Walking in this World" and do the 12 week program among like minded friends.

I updated my MySpace page to reflect my writing journey and will be posting my blogs there as well.

I have updated my Goodreads page so that it reflects the Chica Lit genre that I am writing in gives me a place to organize the books that have inspired me to write

I have updated my Art By Latina Artists page to reflect my NaNoWriMo Journey. And, I am starting an ABLA group to encourage all of us to honor and love our creative muses.

I started a Blogspot page so I would have a chance to blog about my adventures and organize everything in one place. At my blogspot page, you can find links to all my other pages.

I have begun to learn how to use One Note to organize my ideas, thoughts, and materials.

It has truly been an exciting beginning of the month…and I am feeling very energized!!!
The Chai Lattes and vino con chocolate treats…really make a difference.


Friday, March 5, 2010

NaNoWriMo Laying the Foundation

Are you one of those novel writers who has a good idea, know you will write your novel one day, but just don’t have the time or the wherewithal to get it all started? Or maybe you have been playing around with writing your memoirs, or your dad’s story that should be told, or the greatest love story ever—between your grandma and grandpa? Or maybe, you just have a great mystery idea that needs some fleshing out? Have you wandered onto the NaNoWriMo site and said…some day, I will do this. Or are you like me and decided that 2010 is the year for you to JUST DO IT!!!

Well, if 2010 is your NaNoWriMo year and you would like to make sure it happens, then join me on my journey to write a book in a month in November. Share your ups, downs, set backs, ideas, and inspirations as we journey together in the land of Wrimos—then we can party like it is 1999!!!

I know there are some Wrimos that just come to September with an idea, sign up and write away. But some of us need more time to plan, get inspired, do some research, and be on track. If you are a planner, if you need feedback, inspiration from other writers, or just plane like to connect with others over un cafecito, then think about joining us here or just lurking. I will be sharing my journey to inspire myself and maybe others in the process. I will be sharing my favorite writing books and the songs and quotes that inspire me throughout the month of March and I hope you will do the same.

So grab a cup of coffee and let the writing journey begin…

