Continue the Artist's Way Journey!
For anyone who has been inspired by Julia Cameron’s The Artists Way, there is so much to be gained and so much to be learned by following her advice with morning pages, Artist’s dates and all the rest. However, what do you do when morning pages, Artist’s Dates, exploratory essays, inspirational readings are not doing it and your muse is silent? How do you juggle everyday responsibilities and still live the writerly life you yearn for? The life that allows you to create, be who are, explore the inner you and what makes you tick? How do you stay focused with so many distractions?
Well the answers vary for every author. I find that my muse likes down time. Time when I am not in the zone creating, no plugged in, no thinking about all that I have to do, and being physically active. I think the mind/body connection is very strong for me. I have found that taking time for exercise—be it a walk at the beach, a bike ride in the city, or a hike in the mountains is just what my muse needs to show up and be present. Of course, chocolate and wine go a long way as well.
How do you pamper or jump start your silent muse?
Con un pan y cafecito, seguimos adelante